for Learning More about the War on Gaza
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As the war on Gaza intensifies, we’re watching in horror as an unimaginable catastrophe catapults forward. As teachers, we know we need to help our students discuss and try to make sense of what’s happening. This is both difficult and critical because the mainstream media, as well as our local, state and national governments, are almost completely dominated by the Israeli narrative. We have curated a few resources to help educators understand what is happening on the ground in real time, as well as background information about Palestine and resources to use with students at different grade levels. Let us know if you’d like to talk or have questions:
News Sources & Social Media accounts
on what’s happening in Gaza now
For up to date stories on what is currently happening in Gaza, check out:
● “Gaza on the 8th Day of Israeli Aggression” tells the story of the destruction of Gaza and the loss of life through numbers and statistics (as of October 14, 2023).
● “The Violence of Demanding Perfect Victims”
● Jerusalem writer Mohammed El Kurd — @mohammedelkurd on Instagram
● Jewish Voice for Peace — @jvpbayreas on Instagram
● Institute for Middle East Understanding — @imeu on Instagram
● Eye on Palestine — @eyeonpalestine
Background Information & Teaching Resources
on the Roots of Current Events in Palestine
● “It’s Not That Complicated” — from the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
● provides multimedia resources on the history of Palestine and the Israeli occupation
● Teach Palestine Project has curriculum, and suggested books and videos
Visualizing Palestine has created a series of resources that help to put the current events in Gaza in context as the product of a system of violence:
● “Israel’s Closure of Gaza Started Long Before the Blockade”
● “Short Walk Home, Long Walk to Freedom”
● “Gaza Health Access Under Israeli Siege”
● “Undrinkable: 97% of Gaza’s Water is Undrinkable”
● “Rising Israeli Settler Violence in the Occupied Territories”